Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Superbowl Ads

As you are all probably aware, the best part of the Superbowl is the ads (especially when the refs are that bad...). Google has a bunch of them available for viewing. Here are a few of my favourites.

Stunt City - I think this was the best of the bunch. Very clever, very funny, lots of stuff going on.

Emerald Nuts - These are always pretty good but this one was especially absurd.

Secret Fridge - This was the funniest of the Bud Light ads.

MacGyver - MacGyver is awesome.

FedEx - The guy's expression when the boss tells him it's not his problem is awesome.

Superfan Cowboy - One of Bud's better ads.

Clydesdale American Dream - Another Bud ad. This one's really cute.

Touch Football - Finishing up the beer ads...

Escape Hybrid - I had mixed feelings about this one. See for yourself...



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